Saturday 20 February 2016

Photos-Soul Fruit of Journeys

Remember the days when being kids we did a lot of fun, naughtiness, travelling to many hill stations or other places just for spending our vacations. Most of us don't remember all of these neither do we have any sources to recall the good time spent in different spheres of our life. It's either we remember or I shall rather say we believe in what our elders have told us about our childhood stories of travel and fun or the lucky one's would have the photos of such cherished time spent.

Now that we all are surviving in a new modern era where the "selfie-photo culture" is sustaining and is highly accepted by the youth, one will not forget the new destinations travelled across the world or the good time spent on special occasions as "photos" are the soul of some wonderful memories of past that one could easily turn up to whenever one feels like. It is a return ticket to the life you have lived in past and recall it in your present and future.

Whosoever said that once a time gone can never be relived wasn't aware that time might pass away but memories won't and when you have the source of restoring the memories by capturing them in a simple sorted medium of photographs, you are all set to re-open the chapters of your book for revising the entire episode of your life you have enjoyed once.

The free ticket to travel back in time is what photos are meant for! Its all about reliving the same life with same emotions again.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Some pictures just don't require captions

There are only a few moments where you get some candid shots of nature....

Blessed are such moments :)

Dehradun: Water Love !

Friday 14 August 2015

Orange Kiss Effect

Some pictures are just good for the way they are clicked rather than the original ones !!

- A random click at my office though the best picture I have ever clicked.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Monday 18 May 2015

Just Found it worthy enough to be shared here because it is so very true

Some pictures that Speak LIFE !

The journey of life begins with you & your own world of imaginations & with the growing phase of your life you get into the world of fantasies. Being a kid that too a baby girl you are the darling of your father. "The princess of your own kingdom" where nothing will go against you. The sweet complaints about anyone among your family or friends, the sugary lies about you making this & that, the genuine forcing request or orders of coming to bed only if you are given a story to listen, playing with toys like kitchen set or barbie dolls & its collection, trying to be a doctor, scientist, model or just replicating your papa's or mumma's look throughout the day ; Well that is what we all do being a kid.

Now we see the phase of friendship where we are ready for every action with the lovely people of our life! Every Action means every action from being sweet friendly caring compassionate worrying to fighting like animals running after each other's life making fun of each other teasing at every moment possible ready to give life for them & also to take life of them.. These are the golden days where you try to do all the fun & adventurous activities you can, exploring a new life with your darlings, being scared about a few things going around but still doing it for the sake of fun. The best growing phase of life is with friends where you can do anything that suits you all the best as we know & understand each other on the very high level that might be our parents would ever be able to know about us.

The next turn to life is when we find our soul mate!! Yes this is something that is the most prior part of our life. Finding the right one for you & living the rest of your life with the only one. Love & marriage will take your life to a new turn where you explore more about self & the lucky one with you as well. You get to understand the differences yet the love still grows, a different phase of life where you need to learn a few adjustments, be the true queen of the new place with new people, handle life & relations with more care & maturity that ultimately turns you from a girl to a classy lady. Still here the life doesn't stops. It still has more phases to come along with you that is precious.

Now this is the best part for anyone when you are welcoming a new life in your life to bring in more happiness & love for each other. A new phase of parenthood where your concern is completely after this new life, the dreams for the cutie-pie for whom you try to get all the best things possible so as to give a life of happiness, love, care & the luxuries that might be required for a great living of the child.

And the memorable phase again makes you come back to where you started from. When you watch your baby trying to get fit in your clothes, trying to look just like you & it gives you the immense pleasure of life while you see your child growing just the way you did. A revolving life can't always be remembered from the scratch to the end, this is why capturing these precious moments is very much required for everyone so as they can relive these moments & smile while they see, remember & tell someone about these moments of life that they cherished with all happiness & pleasure.