Remember the days when being kids we did a lot of fun, naughtiness, travelling to many hill stations or other places just for spending our vacations. Most of us don't remember all of these neither do we have any sources to recall the good time spent in different spheres of our life. It's either we remember or I shall rather say we believe in what our elders have told us about our childhood stories of travel and fun or the lucky one's would have the photos of such cherished time spent.
Now that we all are surviving in a new modern era where the "selfie-photo culture" is sustaining and is highly accepted by the youth, one will not forget the new destinations travelled across the world or the good time spent on special occasions as "photos" are the soul of some wonderful memories of past that one could easily turn up to whenever one feels like. It is a return ticket to the life you have lived in past and recall it in your present and future.
Whosoever said that once a time gone can never be relived wasn't aware that time might pass away but memories won't and when you have the source of restoring the memories by capturing them in a simple sorted medium of photographs, you are all set to re-open the chapters of your book for revising the entire episode of your life you have enjoyed once.
The free ticket to travel back in time is what photos are meant for! Its all about reliving the same life with same emotions again.