Wednesday 6 May 2015

Frog's Yoga & Bear on Swing @ TGIP

Sometimes when you go to malls you get some nice snaps with friends Or the decorations of the mall at the time of festivities but when I go out with my buddies we do hilarious things out there, click all our naughty pictures but also a few things that we still feel love for. Now these two cute pictures below are from TGIP, Noida. Sometimes you just fall in love with these things that attract you or seems funny & cute.

The 3 Frogs doing yoga :P

The Bear who loves to play in swings

We still have a hidden kid inside when we see such things & couldn't resist to click them up. The day was although memorable but these added things on other level of happiness. 


  1. I have still a hidden kid in this

  2. Pragyansini..... These frogs are lovely. I hope they don't add Yoga to their daily routine

    1. dear ashmita... don't worry they won't do that :P hahahaha
