Sunday, 20 September 2015

Some pictures just don't require captions

There are only a few moments where you get some candid shots of nature....

Blessed are such moments :)

Dehradun: Water Love !

Friday, 14 August 2015

Orange Kiss Effect

Some pictures are just good for the way they are clicked rather than the original ones !!

- A random click at my office though the best picture I have ever clicked.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Some stills that make you fall for....

Because Pinterest always gives me beautiful options of photography to be promoted.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Just Found it worthy enough to be shared here because it is so very true

Some pictures that Speak LIFE !

The journey of life begins with you & your own world of imaginations & with the growing phase of your life you get into the world of fantasies. Being a kid that too a baby girl you are the darling of your father. "The princess of your own kingdom" where nothing will go against you. The sweet complaints about anyone among your family or friends, the sugary lies about you making this & that, the genuine forcing request or orders of coming to bed only if you are given a story to listen, playing with toys like kitchen set or barbie dolls & its collection, trying to be a doctor, scientist, model or just replicating your papa's or mumma's look throughout the day ; Well that is what we all do being a kid.

Now we see the phase of friendship where we are ready for every action with the lovely people of our life! Every Action means every action from being sweet friendly caring compassionate worrying to fighting like animals running after each other's life making fun of each other teasing at every moment possible ready to give life for them & also to take life of them.. These are the golden days where you try to do all the fun & adventurous activities you can, exploring a new life with your darlings, being scared about a few things going around but still doing it for the sake of fun. The best growing phase of life is with friends where you can do anything that suits you all the best as we know & understand each other on the very high level that might be our parents would ever be able to know about us.

The next turn to life is when we find our soul mate!! Yes this is something that is the most prior part of our life. Finding the right one for you & living the rest of your life with the only one. Love & marriage will take your life to a new turn where you explore more about self & the lucky one with you as well. You get to understand the differences yet the love still grows, a different phase of life where you need to learn a few adjustments, be the true queen of the new place with new people, handle life & relations with more care & maturity that ultimately turns you from a girl to a classy lady. Still here the life doesn't stops. It still has more phases to come along with you that is precious.

Now this is the best part for anyone when you are welcoming a new life in your life to bring in more happiness & love for each other. A new phase of parenthood where your concern is completely after this new life, the dreams for the cutie-pie for whom you try to get all the best things possible so as to give a life of happiness, love, care & the luxuries that might be required for a great living of the child.

And the memorable phase again makes you come back to where you started from. When you watch your baby trying to get fit in your clothes, trying to look just like you & it gives you the immense pleasure of life while you see your child growing just the way you did. A revolving life can't always be remembered from the scratch to the end, this is why capturing these precious moments is very much required for everyone so as they can relive these moments & smile while they see, remember & tell someone about these moments of life that they cherished with all happiness & pleasure.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

The 'Afghan Girl'

Thanks to 'Pinterest' that I found this long time back photograph taken by a photo journalist that was taken for the cover page of National Geographic magazine in 1984. The 'Afghan Girl' is the best known photograph by Steeve McCurry who is a universally recognized photojournalist. Here I have attached the link to his website & blog as well. 

Later in 2002 she was rephotographed & according to the comment based on these pictures I found on Pinterest again by a gentleman stating - " The 'Afghan Girl'. Her iconic photo appeared on the cover of National Geographic in 1984. The image of her face, with a red scarf draped loosely over her head and with her piercing sea-green eyes staring directly into the camera, became a symbol both of the 1980s Afghan conflict and of the refugee situation worldwide. The image itself was named "the most recognized photograph" in the history of the magazine. She was finally found and rephotographed in 2002. "
Sometimes you just love to share such work of people so here I have done the same. This is the best photograph taken by him of that era which still is a great master piece.

How To Take a Self-Portrait

We all might have made portraits during our school days but what if someone clicks our pictures as a portrait? I guess everyone would love the idea of having portrait style pictures of self. While searching Pinterest for something new I found two things : one is the picture below that actually attracted my eye balls to stay at it for a few while & the second one is more interesting thing than this which is actually a websites link that tells us how to take a self portrait. The tips mentioned in it can be used atleast once in our life for a portrait picture along with self credit.

You can always refer some such things in life to check & explore new things. I guess its not bad to have some such explorations in your treasure box of achievements that you will be glad of trying once in life.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Owls are Adorable!

We have heard about night blindness & colour blindness but have you heard about day blindness ? I think no none of us have ever heard about this, but there are a few life that go through this throughout their life. Owls! Yes, we know that an Owl can see only in night but not in day. These cute adorable creatures although can't see in day but are a good option for clicking pictures.

One can always see the best possible pictures of these cute creatures in very different style. Sasi (photographer) has given the best justice to these photos I must say. Beautifully captured these scenes in the best way possible. Sharing such things are really fun.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Frog's Yoga & Bear on Swing @ TGIP

Sometimes when you go to malls you get some nice snaps with friends Or the decorations of the mall at the time of festivities but when I go out with my buddies we do hilarious things out there, click all our naughty pictures but also a few things that we still feel love for. Now these two cute pictures below are from TGIP, Noida. Sometimes you just fall in love with these things that attract you or seems funny & cute.

The 3 Frogs doing yoga :P

The Bear who loves to play in swings

We still have a hidden kid inside when we see such things & couldn't resist to click them up. The day was although memorable but these added things on other level of happiness. 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Frames of Life

Frames, the four walled boundary location for any photograph that we click. A wall full of photo-frames isn't only frames but it is the life long memories that we capture & place in our home to decorate it. It's like going to flower shop & asking the shop owner to give you some selective flowers that you like the most so as you can bring them to home or gift it to someone as a gift or to decorate home & bring happiness to life.
The journey of life where we have our childhood memories from our birth to all naughty & cute funny things, the time of our growing & achieving small steps of success in our school time, birthday celebrations with friends, playing some sports or musical instruments, your family people, your willingness to look like your mom or dad & trying out their clothes, accessories; etc, getting into college, memories of that place with friends & teachers, farewell of school & college life, getting your graduation degree, your first date's memories, your love of your life, your job sector & colleagues, your marriage, reunion with old buddies, your children, your friends wedding & so more life time memories are captured & placed in frame to decorate your wall with your life journey.  

Frames have made life live on our walls & it is indeed the Frames of Life that stays with us forever !

Monday, 4 May 2015

Abstract Photography

Pinterest has made it easier for me to follow a few new variety of photography boards there from which one was the "Abstract Photography" that was something of my interest. Colourful these abstract images are that couldn't resist me to share it out here.

Nothing can be so interesting than an abstract photography as these form of images or paintings are given a lot of attention at various stages, liked by many people who actually are one among those who have interests in colouring, painting or clicking such views whenever they get a chance.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

The Kung Fu Panda, Cool Polar & Pingoo Talks!

Now today while scrolling some funny images I found something very interesting. Have you ever imagined about the Polar Bear & Panda conversation with a Penguin? LOL. Yup, I found it that these people were talking to each other & I can prove it too !


Polar : Oh Man! I am so freaking hungry
Panda: Hey you! Watch out, what's that?
Polar: Ahhhh! Food
Panda: Shut up! All the time you cry for Food! That is something like an alien !
Polar: Oh Really? An  alien? But it is so different...
Panda: Hey you alien kinda creature, stop!
Pingoo: Excusme! I am not an alien, how dare you call me alien? Do I look you like an alien you foolish creature, huh!
Polar: Good, I will die hungry!
Panda: Well, you are looking like a bit of alien or so...
Pingoo: Dude, I am Penguin...The Pingoo!
Polar: Oh man... You are the cartoon Pingoo of POGO! Haahahahhaaha
Panda: What ? A cartoon?
Pingoo: Shut up you idiot people, I am famous by the name Pingoo but I am not a Cartoon. Idiots!
Panda: If you aren't a bird or a cartoon then what are you exactly?
Polar: Hope you are a fish! My Food...
Pingoo: Oh you useless Dumbs! Do I look Like a fish to you? Does a fish stands on land even? Illiterate Foolish Men.
Polar: Excusme! I am not illitereate, you funny creature... I am a Polar Bear.
Panda: Then I am Famous by the name of Kung Fu Panda.
Pingoo: And I am an aquatic flightless bird!
Polar: What? a  Flightless Bird?
Panda: Hahaha 
Pingoo: Hey you! I am warning you guys... I am a popular personality! Dude, we penguins are placed in so many places... Haven't you seen Madagascar series? We have been there too...! I am a star. So please! No more craps.
Polar: Man! I don't understand , you look like an alien, you have been in cartoon films still not an cartoon, you ain't a  fish, you are a bird but you can't fly & now you are saying that you are a star but we can't see you up above the world so high...
Panda: Like a diamond in the sky... Hahahahahaha
Pingoo: Shut up! We penguins are multi-talented! I don't need to clarify dumb people like you.
Polar: I can't control my hunger now anymore! I wanna eat this, whatever it is...
Panda: Yeah Man! Now I am hungry too..
Pingoo: Oh no! You can't ! 
Polar: I am hungry from a week...
Panda: And I can't wait long for my Food. Huahahahaha
Pingoo: Ummm Okay! But in that case, I need to go for a bath first before you people eat me!
Panda & Polar: Bath??
Pingoo: Oh ya, I haven't taken bath from past 2 months you know.
Panda: Eyuuu!
Polar: Throw this dirty fellow inside the river. I can't fall sick because of such a dirty food.
Pingoo: Oh no.. I will go myself...I don't need the favours from you idiot people. Hehehehe! Please excusme me Gentlemen. 
(One splash!!!) 
Yuhoooo.... Buhbye you super dumb people! I am a fligtless bird but I know how to swim. Better luck next time!
Polar: Oh my Stomach! He is so smart! Panda...What are you thinking now?
Panda: I think he is from IIN ! 


Friday, 1 May 2015

Photo Journalism : Nepal Earthquake

Photojournalism is the way of spreading the news or information in a form of story with a help of photograph or images that is a part of our journalism.

I guess sharing this was an important thing that I was waiting for. Sad incident of this year !

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Life's ~ Intensity: Being Simple !

Life's ~ Intensity: Being Simple !: I am person with simplicity as my utmost jewellery, my weapon, my strength, my courage, my following, my belief and preaching. Its n...

Friday, 24 April 2015

Are we Right by Wasting Food ?

People have the bad habit of wasting food. And this is something very insulting to the food. How can one waste food where millions of poor people still are starving? I won't say that i haven't ever wasted food as when we were child we always had this habit of not having our food completely; but now after growing up I have actually stopped doing so. Here I didn't mean you to consume the food that you feel doubted of being stale while having it somewhere outside but yeah don't take so much of food like a big time foodie & then leave it incomplete as they can't have more. Many people don't know why today I am talking about this issue on a photo blog... So here is the reason for this 

Now this was at Robber's Cave, Dehradun where I found this idiot wasting the food like hell along with polluting the water ! I really have never seen a man actually throwing the food out so faster like this guy was doing infront of me. And it was so annoying that no one was bothered enough to stop him from doing so. Dude we all are given the provisions of having a dustbin around your food stalls, dhabas or hotels but this guy...No no no he was completely bothered enough to waste the food God knows for what reason & also to spoil the beauty of the place by polluting the water. I am sharing this here thinking that someday someone will honestly stop both food wastage and water pollution. 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Long Way to Go ...

Life is always longer than the life span of any individual, a long run that you need to go through everyday till the time you survive since birth. No matter whatever happens time won't stop & so does our life isn't gonna stop. It's just basically how we need to move on ahead in life without stopping anywhere for too long. All you need to do is just simply go with the flow of life; only then you have a life that you will be happy for rather than standing at one place for too long and cribbing for things. Enjoying every flavor of life is all what we all need to do; stay happy & live life fully!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Wish these were Real

Reminds me back the old time of dinosaurs that existed ages ago on Earth! It's the Earth Day and I am talking about Dinos ; although it doesn't makes much sense but then they were a part of Earth as well, not our ancestors genetically but still of other species they were. Being a fond of the movie Jurassic Park, I honestly like Dinos and now when you don't have these creatures alive then why to leave the chances of capturing their replicas in the form of cartoons or statues ; atleast I won't leave such a chance ever not because I love photography but still they are extinct & till now are counted in the list of something very interesting that was initially a part of our Earth. For me they were, they are & they will remain an interesting part that I have ever known about. Lucky that Kurukshetra's Panaroma has these around their entry gate else how would I have been able to click them and share here as one part of my exploring in my memorable journey of Kurukshetra :P

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Beautiful Flowers at the Water Places

Flowers has a big role at the religious places & are beautifully kept for using them. Most of the places are water destinations where you let the flowers float in water. Haridwar, Pushkar, Banaras; etc places have been highly seen in such a way where you observe flowers in water. Although its not good to pollute water bodies as people do during such religious occasions or while following some of their family rituals or customs, still it's really not bad to capture such pictures as flowers are always the best natural way of decorations. Since many of the people like to see floating candles in water bowl, water bodies having diyas along with the flowers kept in same leaf pack or using the flower petals in their bath tub before bathing (Especially Roses) and many more... A person like me atleast won't wait even for a while in clicking pictures of some such beautiful scenes.